Thursday, November 12, 2009

Reading and Questions Set #2: pg. 199-201, questions 1-3

1) They are different because they all have different viscosity, how explosive they are, and the different colors they have. Basaltic magma is found at oceanic hotspots and at mid ocean ridges, it has low viscosity and is a dark, dense rock.

2) Pahoehoe lava is smooth flowing, and cools into smooth rope-like shapes. AA lava is slow moving, and it cools into jagged shapes. Pillow lava erupts and cools underwater, it is very smooth when it cools.

3) Rhyolithic and Andesitic magma are associated with more explosive eruptions because they are the most explosive types of magma and they have the highest viscosity.Basaltic magma is associated with less explosive eruptions because it is the least explosive type of magma and it is the least viscosity.

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