Friday, January 29, 2010

Question set #2 Pgs 283-286 Questions 1-5

1)Running water in streams and rivers wear down Earth's surface by breaking up bedrock and by removing eroded rock and soil materials.

2)It transports materials in three different ways, in solution, in suspension, and in its bed load. In solution is minerals dissolved by bedrock carried downstream in the river's load. In suspension is when you small materials like silt, clay, and fine sand is carried in the load. In the bedload means stuff that is too heavy to be carried in suspension such as sand, pebbles, and boulders.

3)The greater the velocity, the more capacity the river has, and the competence is much bigger.

4)It deposits when either its velocity or discharge changes.

5)An alluvial fan is different because it forms on dry land and not in water. Second the sediments are coarse sand and gravel, not fine silt and clay. Lastly, its slope is sloping not flat like that of deltas.

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