Wednesday, February 3, 2010

"B" Layer: Have flood controls on the Mississippi been sucessful?

  1. Levees will block the water like a wall from a certain spot and keep the river flowing in the direction chosen. Modifying the banks will help with river control because they will be stronger or change the direction of a river depending on what the people want to do to modify it. Canals are used to help divert flood water. Revement helps stabilize soil along the banks to make the banks stronger and harder to erode. Dredge makes the river deeper and move slower by turning up sediment from the bottom. Snag boats remove objects obstructing a rivers flow. Dams are built to control flooding.
  2. Floods cause property damage by removing houses by the flow of the water, causing water damage in houses, and removing natural features.
  3. The water levels of the river were 50-100ft above normal in most places and most of the attempts to save sities and towns failed except for the dynamiting of Caernarvon, Louisiana which saved the city of New Orleans and many towns down stream because it released pressure on the flood walls.
  4. There were 29 sets of locks and dams, hundreds of runoff channels, and 100 miles of levees which is more than any amount of flood prevention techniques put into place.
  5. The events that took place in the flood of 1937 were like the flood of 1927 in the fact that they destroyed farmland, towns, cities, houses and anything of the sort in its path. Some of the levees held up and some of them didn't. The control techniques were more effective than the ones that happened before the flood of 1927.
  6. Farms, farmland, houses, bridges, and roads were some of the disastrous events that occurred in the flood of 1993 things that contributed to the flooding events were heavy rains, snow packs, and the moist soil.
  7. Before the flood, there were numerous crops, and they were all bright green on the key of the satellite. During the flood almost all of the landscape turned black (flooded) according to the key for the satellite. After the flood, the landscape is red because the water had receded and deposited a layer of soil as it receded.

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